The Practice of Control
by George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD with John Elder, MA, MFT, CAMF

Book Description:
This coaching client workbook was written at the request the Medical Director of a major Hospital Chain in response to the Joint Commissions Sentinel Alert on “disruptive physician behavior” that may risk patient safety. The request was for a coaching intervention based on emotional intelligence as oppose psychotherapy that contains a stigma. Disruptive physician behavior is actually burnout which became a global issue during Covid-19 and is now recognized by the United Nations.
The Practice of Control is widely used by Emotional Intelligence Coaches throughout the United States and Saudi Arabia Egypt and Germany. In the forward to this book, Dr. Alfred De Ramus, MD. wrote, Anger is certainly an emotion that can be understood and managed successfully, but so many people have had such a lack of guidance regarding emotional matters that they need someone to carefully provide enhancement skills to assist them in learning to recognize and manage stress ,anger, increase emotional intelligence and assertive communication.
I am pleased to have this opportunity to support the Anderson & Anderson Executive Coaching for physicians and this publication. The Practice of Control is a seminal publication which is destined to become the industry standard in Executive Coaching/Anger Management for physicians.
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